I remember this day so well, only because by the last 20 minutes of the float, Rad's tube had popped. Yet, he was still floating along like nothing had changed. His head was bobbing above water and he was smiling ear to ear, not a care in the world but being surrounded by the mountains and friends and good music (provided by Rad, duh). He never let inconveniences slow him down, but rolled with the punches and always did it with a smile and laughter. God, I miss that laugh. Rad-you are one in a million my dude. Thankful for your kindness, guidance, and the patience you possessed when walking me through the step-by-step process of how to use your jet boil before going into The Winds. Oh, and for giving us a pot to boil coffee in :)
And for always welcoming people into your home with open arms... even on a Tuesday at 1AM...and then opening a bottle of wine with us. I miss you Rad. Thanks for being the best and teaching us to walk in light of the Lord. May you rest in His heavenly kingdom-until we meet again <3