One thing I realized as I’m writing this is that there are no shortage of Rad stories. The more I learn about Rad, the more I realize that every single person in this community has some sort of interaction or story with him, and every single one was positive. I can think of several stories, ones of him dancing really hilariously, watching the Dawgs win the championship this year standing 8 inches from the TV at The Bird, or sharing his infectious laugh, which is still so easy to hear in my head. I have heard countless in the last week that have blown me away and I’m sure are being sent here. My most recent story with Rad, in addition to all the times that he was constantly making other people feel good about themselves, happened in December. It’s not super entertaining in any way in comparison to some others, but being Rad‘s neighbor, I passed him many times. He was often on his way home from work or a mountain bike ride. While my story is not necessarily exciting or eventful, it sticks out in my mind even though it was pretty small. That was just Rad though - any small interaction felt special. I was headed down the alley for a Christmas party at one of our very good friend’s house, and he asked me if I was going. I was going through a particularly tough time when this happened, and so when he asked how things were, being the inviting and non-judgmental person that he is, I answered honestly. He immediately put his truck into park and genuinely asked again how I was doing and offered some kind words. It was monumental for me, because I left our conversation feeling so good and happy. I swear I had a skip in my step on the way down to the Christmas party, where I saw him and gave him a hug. He was the definition of a good friend and a good neighbor. My hose was broken, and he came over to borrow it to wash his bike. He went out and bought a brand new one and told me to come use the one at his house any time. I have heard endless stories of random acts of kindness from Rad, in addition to hilarious stories. All of them end with such kind words spoken about him. I think these small interactions are such a testament to how he made others feel at all times. One final note which isn’t much of a story as it is a testament to him is that I have waffled on my faith in the last year or two. I have had questions about my beliefs, but Rad has solidified that I do believe in God and know in every fiber of my being that he is with Him in Heaven now. That is one of the most special takeaways he could have offered any of us. Without even trying, he left that impact on me and others by living by example. He lived selflessly and with intention and kindness every day. Everyone was his friend, and I know that as every one of us wakes up and puts their best foot forward to live like Rad, (and these are big shoes to fill), we can show others love and the same level of kindness. As that spreads, the world will be a better place, which is exactly how he would have wanted it.