It was taken at the Little Jennie Ranch branding in Bondurant late May of 2020. I didn’t know Rad prior to this. We were busy wrestling calfs and he was getting tossed all around so I offered to give him my two cents about wrestling technique. The next calf that the roper drug to get branded Rad and I teamed up and wrestled the cow so it could get branded and vaccinated. It was so great to chat with Rad for those few minutes. He was receptive to my suggestions, eager to learn, and appreciative of the tradition. As luck would have it I let up slightly on the calf and sure enough the calf ’s hoof smoked me in the knuckle and I began to bleed. We both shared a good laugh and teamed up for a few more calf’s that day, each time improving. At the end of the branding Rad approached me and thanked me for offering my two cents. We enjoyed a beer and had some laughs.
Rad was many great things. That day he was a great Cowboy; ready to learn, giving of his time, coachable, hardworking, appreciative, and fun.