My friendship with Rad really came to fruition out of some heartbreaking circumstances. We became friends during the summer of 2017, while I was working at Moose Head Ranch for the summer, and Rad had just moved to Jackson full time.
On July 4th, 2017, Rad and I and 4 other UGA friends decided to float down the Snake River to celebrate the holiday. It was a great day that ended like we never would have imagined. Our friend Oliver went missing in the river, and he was eventually found a week later. It was a gut wrenching day and week, one that I could not navigate alone. The night of the accident, we watched the fireworks going off at Snow King, while we waited in fear for Oliver's whereabouts. Rad immediately stepped up and took care of everyone involved, from those of us in the accident, to the Woodwards, to people in town that wanted to help in the search for Oliver. He became like a big brother, during the time I needed it most. In the weeks and months to come, Rad always checked in, was a listening ear, a friend to laugh with, and a house to escape to. When I went back to school, Rad consistently kept up and sent pictures of him spending time at Oliver's memorial. I know that day had a huge impact on him, and I will forever be grateful for the person he was to help those in grief and honor Oliver's legacy.
It's crazy how God knows exactly who you need, when you need them. He brought Rad into my life, when I needed him most, and I will always remember his sweet spirit, generous heart, and big laugh.
God knew this was Rad's day to come home. We didn't know, and we weren't expecting it, but to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Sometimes, I think God takes those he is done working on. It's like Rad couldn't have gotten any better. But for those of us left, it sure seems like we could still use him down here.