A couple winters ago, Margaret and moose decided to go for an evening tour out to edelweiss, an area she had skied a handful of times. However, she did not account for the shorter days and it getting dark early.
So, she calls me as I am getting off work at 7:00pm, telling me she thinks she is lost. Granted, the temperature is quickly dropping well below zero, and she is starting to become disoriented.
So I rush out of work, buying a headlamp in my way out and grab my touring gear. I don’t feel comfortable looking for her alone and it was tough finding a coworker to help look for her since it’s so dark, it’s so cold, and it’s a big Saturday night. But do you know who jumped at the opportunity? Rad Spencer.
We utilized radios, bca and sos apps, pinged her off of her call to search and rescue, and communicated via short range radios. Do you k is who initiated the use of all of these resources? Rad Spencer. I will never forget how calm and collected rad was through this entire ordeal, as I lost my mind out of fear and frustration. Rad was always there to lend a helping hand, to think logically, and to be supportive to anyone.
I don’t know if I would still be with Margaret to this day had rad not been there. He did so much for our relationship in so many different ways, and I can never thank him enough.